Terms of use and confidentiality

1. Purpose

The Bestsupplier is an electronic platform, designed to be used both by private companies, and by public entities under public procurement and private, whose objectives are to provide information to stakeholders on the evaluation of business performance, qualification of suppliers and advertising of results thus obtained.

The evaluation of corporate performance is divided into two basic services: the evaluation of buyers and suppliers, from the point of view of performance in providing a service or selling a product, and the benchmarking of that evaluation.

The qualification services allows to accredit the company according to a structured set of information and indicators, enabling the client of that firm, by selecting the criteria he deems most important, selecting your network of accredited suppliers.

The Bestsupplier supports the entire process of registration of suppliers, their qualification, in accordance with the criteria, the recording of evaluations and reporting to them.

Finally, Bestsupplier publicizes on its site its adherent companys who achieve a certain level of evaluation, creating a publicly accessible directory of best performing companies.

2. Adherence

Adherence to these general conditions and Bestsupplier do with the registry in service. The user, by registering with the service, declares that you have read, understood and accept the meaning and scope of these general conditions.

3. Database

The databases of the service are the property of Bestsupplier or third parties associated with the Bestsupplier and the query or extraction of data is restricted to users adherents under these conditions. The extraction of data is limited, qualitatively and quantitatively, to the purpose of the legitimate user and query this data may not be reproduced, disclosed or transferred in whole or in part, gratuitously or for consideration, to third parties, including the entities referred information, unless expressly authorized by the Bestsupplier accordingly.

4. Responsibility for the data

The data used by Bestsupplier are provided to you by members or associated companies and users, which is why the Bestsupplier can not assume nor accept any liability as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness and integrity of data processed and made available to users.

5. Obligations of subscriber

Companies or participating entities undertake to provide timely, as defined by Bestsupplier, all information and documents available related to the subject of this service. This information should be accurate, truthful, complete and itemized in the form requested by Bestsupplier. The member companies assume an obligation to keep this information constantly updated and communicated immediately to Bestsupplier any modifications thereof, to enable the quality of service. Any interpolations (alerts) Bestsupplier not derogate from this obligation enterprises or participating entities. Failure to comply in good faith, of these obligations, allows the system Bestsupplier exclusion of companies defaulting, without notice or warning.

6. Treatment of data: objectivity and impartiality

The Bestsupplier commits to maintain, to the extent that it is made available, information from member companies continuously updated and complete and treat it according to criteria of strict impartiality, objectivity and independence, to ensure the reliability, credibility and value of results (ratings / qualifications) for users.

7. Responsibility for the information / Reviews / Qualifications

Despite the diligence put in collecting, sorting and processing of information available, the Bestsupplier does not guarantee the results to the users of its services, to the extent that the failure or defect resulting from obsolescence, lack of integrity, veracity or completeness of the information provided by companies or entities associated with or adherent.

8. Evaluation of companies or nonadherent entities

Evaluations of companies or entities not registered in the service is the sole responsibility of the evaluator and will be accessible only to the company or entity of that evaluation.

9. Damage caused by the information / Evaluations / Qualifications

The information, evaluations, qualifications and other services Bestsupplier should be considered by users for information only. The Bestsupplier not warrant or assume responsibility for the solvency, the timeliness of compliance or quality of products or services freely contracted providers adherents, including damages and lost profits as well as for any damage caused by these defective products or services.

10. Authorization by companies and adhering entities

Companies and participating entities expressly authorize their evaluation and qualification within the scope of the Bestsupplier and aggregated results of these evaluations are made available to registered users of the service.

11. Privacy

The data stored, processed and made available by Bestsupplier is confidential and only accessible to users and / or registered suppliers and can not therefore be communicated to third parties. Individual assessments are only accessible to companies or entities evaluated. Those to whom the data relate has the right of access to them, and to request the correction of errors and omissions with evidence.

12. Fees

The adherents suppliers are required to pay of a counterpart, the amount and due date will be determined by Bestsupplier and whose not timely payment may require immediate exclusion from the defaulting adherent, without any prior notice.

13. Protection by copyright: prohibition of total or partial reproduction of the site

The site Bestsupplier is its exclusive property and is protected by national and international laws of copyright and is expressly forbidden any reproduction, total or partial, of the same, including the framing, without prior permission from Bestsupplier accordingly.

The links used eventually on this page are mere remission informative to third party websites. The Bestsupplier assumes no responsibility for their content.

The Bestsupplier reserves the right to review, edit or delete the information posted on its site by third parties, although it is not obliged to do so.

14. Intellectual Property Rights

"Bestsupplier" is a trademark of the provider of the services with all the rights protected under applicable law.

The use of trademarks, designs, names or other industrial property rights, as well as works or part of works protected by copyright, the information provided by the member companies are their sole responsibility, not competing any obligation to Bestsupplier control about the legitimacy / legality of its use.

15. Changing these general conditions

These terms and conditions may be amended or supplemented by Bestsupplier at any time and without notice, reason why the member companies and other service users assume the obligation to consult them regularly.

16. Governing Law / Foro

This information society service is subject to Portuguese law.

The parties agree that any dispute arising from the interpretation, performance or breach of this contract of adhesion to Bestsupplier will be settled by the District Court of Porto, with express waiver of any other. It is recognized, however, recourse to voluntary arbitration if that is the desire of both parties at the time of the dispute.

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